Black Friday is around the corner, this would be followed by cyber Monday and then Christmas shopping thereafter. It’s a money spending period for the rest of the year, but how do you save money while it’s a shopping period? Here are 7 ways to save money this festive shopping period:
Look forward to next year
If you are not careful, you may get carried away and use all your savings this coming month, and when January is here you have nothing.
So while you shop for black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christmas please give a thought that January is the longest month especially if you are a salary earner.
Also whatever you bought this year may be out of style in a few months while new styles roll out by January.
Lock All your money away
You actually have the choice of locking your funds to a safe. or picking a savings option from your bank where you deposit the money and don’t touch it for a period of 30-90 days. You can’t spend what you don’t have access to.
Don’t shop
You also have the option of sitting with your two legs at home, curling up on your couch, deleting all shopping apps on your phone. You don’t have to shop. Resist the urge to spend that money.
Go to shop with precise cash
If you must shop. Make a budget of how much money you are willing to spend based on the urgency of the need at hand. On the day of shopping go with your budget list and the precise money you need for that shopping. This would prevent you from spending unnecessary money.
Save money this festive shopping period by buying on sale
In a few days, loads of products will go on sale, as it’s towards the end of the year and merchants are looking to clear their stocks in preparation for the coming year. Your target purchase will be on those products on sale, bargain with sellers if possible.
Save money this festive shopping period by reusing what you have
Are you sure you really need that new item? Even if it’s on sale for 95% off, you still have to spend money to buy it,.
Don’t buy what you don’t need just because it’s on sale.
Don’t buy what you don’t need to impress people who are not going to catch you when you fall.
Avoid travelling
Travelling is one of the things that costs a lot of money during the festive period.
If you are a traveller you would notice that all travel costs have already doubled in prices.
If you don’t need to travel, then scrape this from your plan, or postpone your travel to the non-seasonal period.
What other ways can you save money this festive shopping period? Let me know in the comment box below.
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